
The ARCH range by Holly Seymour. 

The ARCH range has grown from my love of bold, graphic & playful design, into something that also encompasses my own personal meditation & self discovery journey. 

Having always been drawn to particular arch-like shapes & curvy, loopy forms, I began to think about the symbology of the arch to me - the idea of rebirth and entering an arch to leave behind the old & enter the new, really resonated with me, and sparked ideas about how I could use arch to bring to life my written thoughts & words from my journalling & meditation practice, as a form of processing & getting it out into the world whilst having fun with it & seeing my practice in a different light.

'Honest' screen printed goods.

My passion for textiles & functional, hand made art also comes through, through ARCH. I have always needed to have a 'hands on' approach to creating & designing, so screen printing & sewing are a perfect combination for me to realise my thoughts & create without limit.

Instagram - archtote

People of print - ARCH | Holly Seymour